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This species is available for purchase in 1 pound and 5 pound bag options. 

Example: If under "Weight" you select the 1 lbs option and then under "Quantity" you select 3, you will receive 3 pounds of seed.


Common Name: Antelope Bitterbrush

Scientific Name: Purshia tridentata

Native / Introduced: Native

Main Uses:

~Fall/winter rangeland
~Wildlife Habitat Improvement

Height: 2-15 feet

Colors: Green with small yellow or white flowers

Flowering Season: Late Spring/Early Summer

Elevation: Up to 10,000 feet

Soil Types: Most soils, well-drained, medium to coarse textures

Tolerances: Moderate acid and alkali (not saline)

Sun or Shade: Full sun, partial shade

Minimum Precipitation: 8-12 inches

Lifecycle: Perennial

Planting Seed Rate: 1/2 - 2 lbs/ac

Estimated Seeds Per Pound: 15,000

Optimal Planting Season: Fall

Planting Depth: 1/2 - 1 inch

Stratification Required: Store in freezer and plant in fall to ensure natural stratification



Antelope Bitterbrush is distributed throughout much of the mountainous west and can be found from near sea level to an elevation of 10,000 feet. It is semi-evergreen, deciduous shrub that grows on most soil textures. However, it thrives in moderate to deep well-drained medium to coarse-textured, sometimes rocky or gravelly soils. It can be found on valley bottoms, flats, foothills, ridges, and mountain slopes.

Antelope Bitterbrush is tolerant to moderately acid and moderately alkali soils, but it does not thrive in saline soils. It has both prostrate and upright ecotypes, and it is usually cold tolerant. The shrub provides highly palatable and nutritious forage for livestock and wildlife, especially in the fall and winter. Additionally, it is extremely important to many species of wildlife for both food and cover.

Antelope Bitterbrush has moderate to excellent grazing tolerance and is one of the most important species used in range and wildlife habitat improvement projects on fall and winter ranges on adapted sites. Furthermore, it is valuable for mining, road, and pipeline construction revegetation, as well as for native landscaping. It is important to use seed from sources with compatible environmental conditions to ensure successful growth.



NRCS Plant Profile:

NRCS Plant Guide:

NRCS Fact Sheet:


Photo Credit: Matt Lavin and Steve Hurst


Antelope Bitterbrush


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