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How To Order: Quantity options listed represent bulk weights. Examples: 1 = 1 lbs, 25 = 25 bs.



Common Name: Blue Mountain Penstemon

Scientific Name: Penstemon rydbergii

Native / Introduced: Native

Main Uses:

~Disturbed land restoration

~Beautification projects


Height: 1-2 feet

Colors: Blue violet

Flowering Season: Early Summer

Elevation: 7,000 - 10,500 ft

Soil Types: Most well-drained soil

Tolerances: Weak saline and acid

Sun or Shade: Full sun to partial sun

Minimum Precipitation: 16 inches

Lifecycle: Perennial

Planting Seed Rate: 1.5-3 lbs/ac

Estimated Seeds Per Pound: 850,000

Optimal Planting Season: Fall

Planting Depth: 1/8 - 1/4 inches

Stratification Required: For best results 2-3 months at 40 degrees



Blue Mountain Penstemon, also known as Rydberg’s Penstemon, or Meadow Beardtongue or Penstemon rydbergii, displays vibrant blue-purple flowers and can grow up to two feet tall. Blue Mountain Penstemon is a perennial wildflower native to the western regions of North America, particularly in the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington. It is adapted to the Intermountain Region and grows native mainly in the mountains on open slopes and meadows with rocky soils. This wildflower produces stunning deep blue-purple flowers that bloom in late spring and early summer. 


This hardy showy wildflower is an attractive and low-maintenance choice for gardeners looking to add color and texture to their landscapes. The pollinator is also palatable and moderately drought tolerant. Its creeping rootstocks make it an excellent option for revegetation of disturbed sites and soil stabilization. 



NRCS Plant Profile:

NRCS Plant Guide:

Blue Mountain Penstemon Seeds


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