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This species is available for purchase in 1 pound and 5 pound bag options.

Example: If under "Weight" you select the 1 lbs option and then under "Quantity" you select 3, you will receive 3 pounds of seed.


Common Name: Canby Bluegrass

Scientific Name: Poa canbyi

Native / Introduced: Native

Main Uses:

~Erosion control



~Wildlife habitat improvement

Height: 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 inch

Root Type: Bunchgrass

Growing Season: Cool

Soil Types: Most soil, prefers shallow soil




Sun or Shade: Full sun

Minimum Precipitation: 10 inches

Lifecycle: Perennial

Planting Seed Rate: 4 - 8 lbs/acre

Estimated Seeds Per Pound: 926,000

Optimal Planting Season: Fall or spring

Planting Depth: 1/4 - 1/2 inch

Category: Grass



Canby Bluegrass is a resilient, long-lived cool-season bunchgrass, known for its ability to tolerate drought conditions. It is highly adaptable to a wide range of soil textures and can thrive even in shallow soils. Typically, this grass is found at mid elevations, demonstrating cold tolerance and winter hardiness.


In terms of its ecological role, Canby Bluegrass is a valuable forage producer and is considered a palatable option for livestock. It serves multiple purposes, being used for erosion control, as well as for pasture and range management. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in enhancing wildlife habitat. Canby Bluegrass is similar to Sandberg Bluegrass, but it is taller and exhibits superior production qualities, making it a desirable choice for various land management and conservation purposes.



NRCS Profile:


 Photo Credit: Steve Hurst and Jim Morefield

Canby Bluegrass


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