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How To Order: Quantity options listed represent bulk weights. Examples: 1 = 1 lbs, 25 = 25 bs. 


Common Name: Fourwing Saltbush

Scientific Name: Atriplex canescens

Native / Introduced: Native

Main Uses:

~Widlife habitat improvement
~Mine Restoration

Height: 2 - 6 feet

Colors: Light yellow or white flowers

Flowering Season: Summer to fall

Soil Types:

~All textures
~Most common on medium-coarse, deep, well-drained

Elevation: 500 – 8,500 ft

Tolerances: Excellent alkali and salt

Sun or Shade: Full Sunlight

Minimum Precipitation: 6-9 inches

Lifecycle: Perennial

Planting Seed Rate: 1/2 bulk/ac

Estimated Seeds Per Pound: 55,000

Optimal Planting Season: Fall

Planting Depth: 1/4 - 1/2 inches

Stratification Required: Store in freezer and plant in fall to ensure natural stratification



Fourwing Saltbush is a shrub that can be deciduous or evergreen, and it can be found throughout most of the western United States at elevations ranging from 500 to 8,500 feet. It can grow on all soil textures, but it is most commonly found on medium to coarse, deep, well-drained soils in areas such as sand dunes, washes, mesas, ridges, and slopes. The plant has excellent alkali and salt-tolerance, but it is not tolerant of high-water tables.

Fourwing Saltbush is a valuable and abundant forage producer that is palatable and nutritious to both livestock and many species of wildlife year-round. It also serves as an excellent food and cover for birds and small mammals. The plant is generally tolerant to heavy grazing and is one of the most important shrubs to plant on adapted sites for range and wildlife habitat improvement.

Furthermore, Fourwing Saltbush is useful for the restoration of disturbed sites caused by mining and other soil-disturbing activities, as well as for native landscaping. It is important to obtain seed from sources with compatible environmental conditions, especially climate, to ensure successful growth and establishment of the plant.



NRCS Plant Profile:

NRCS Plant Guide:

Fourwing Saltbush


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