High Elevation Cabin / Recreation Property Grass Seed Mix
This mix is sold in quantities of 5 lbs.
If you order Qty: 1, you are ordering 5 lbs.
Examples: Qty: 1 = 5 lbs, Qty: 3 = 15 lbs
Perfect for your cabin or mountain recreation area. Excellent choice for revegetating and beautifying disturbed areas, controlling erosion, and suppressing weed encroachment. For use on ground disturbance and excavation sites from pipelines, well sites, road cuts, and construction. Adapted to elevations above 5000’ with a minimum of 16 inches of precipitation.
Species Included
- Kentucky Bluegrass
- Mountain Brome
- Slender Wheatgrass
- Hard Fescue
Seeding Rate
Drill: 16–20 lbs/acre
Broadcast: 22–28 lbs/acre
Fall seeding is recommended unless supplemental irrigation is available for establishment. ¼ inch seeding depth. Drilling is preferred but if not possible due to terrain or other limitations broadcasting is acceptable.