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Premium Dryland Pasture Grass Seed Mix


This mix is sold in quantities of 5 lbs.

If you order Qty: 1, you are ordering 5 lbs.

Examples: Qty: 1 = 5 lbs, Qty: 3 = 15 lbs


Our Premium Dryland mix is designed to succeed in the difficult environment of dryland pastures and is suitable for areas with minimum precipitation of 11 inches per year. It contains an exceptional selection of well-regarded drought tolerant grass and alfalfa varieties that can help you meet your production goals. These proven performers can help revitalize your degraded pasture or start fresh with a new planting. This mix has all the ingredients to help you succeed with your dryland pasture.


Species Included

  • Crested Wheatgrass (Rangecrest)
  • Pubescent Wheatgrass (Luna)
  • Smooth Brome (Manchar)
  • Orchard Grass (Paiute)
  • Alfalfa (Ladak)


Seeding Rate

Drill: 12–16 lbs/acre

Broadcast: 18–24 lbs/acre



Best results are obtained by seeding early in the spring on heavy to medium soils and as a fall dormancy planting on medium to light soils. ¼ inch planting depth. Delay grazing until the late summer or early fall of the second growing season after seeding to ensure seedling establishment.

Premium Dryland Pasture Seed Mix


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