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Premium Irrigated Pasture Seed Mix


This mix is sold in quantities of 5 lbs.

If you order Qty: 1, you are ordering 5 lbs.

Examples: Qty: 1 = 5 lbs, Qty: 3 = 15 lbs


Our premium irrigated mix is designed to get the most out of your pasture and can be grazed or cut for hay. It includes a premium blend of grasses and forbs to get peak production out of your irrigated pasture. Hytons Alfalfa is a blend of premium varieties adapted to produce in a wide range of soil types and conditions. These highly productive species are ready go to work for you.


Species Included

Meadow Brome (Cache)

Orchard Grass (Potomac)

Perennial Ryegrass (Amazon)

Tall Fescue (Fawn)

Alfalfa (Hytons Blend)


Seeding Rate

Drill: 20–25 lbs/acre

Broadcast: 28–35 lbs/acre



Can be seeded anytime the soil can be kept moist. ¼ inch planting depth. If seeded in late fall or early spring, delay grazing until late summer or early fall when plants are well established. For best results and maximum production obtain a soil test and fertilize according to the recommendations. This mix requires a minimum of 18 inches of irrigation. Irrigate according to your climate and soil type for best performance.

Premium Irrigated Pasture Seed Mix


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