Premium Semi-irrigated Pasture
This mix is sold in quantities of 5 lbs.
If you order Qty: 1, you are ordering 5 lbs.
Examples: Qty: 1 = 5 lbs, Qty: 3 = 15 lbs
This pasture mix is intended for use where there is limited or seasonal irrigation availability. The species and varieties are slightly different compared to the irrigated mix to fit this application. These grass and forb species will produce with or without full irrigation and have moderate drought tolerance. Can be grazed or cut for hay. Great for pastures that receive only spring irrigation.
Species Included
Meadow Brome (Cache)
Tall Fescue (Endophyte Free)
Orchardgrass (Paiute)
Intermediate Wheatgrass (Oahe)
Alfalfa (Hytons Blend)
Seeding Rate
Drill: 20–25 lbs/acre
Broadcast: 28–35 lbs/acre
Can be seeded anytime the soil can be kept moist. Depending on your irrigation availability, a fall (dormant) or early spring seeding may be best if irrigation is limited in summer months. ¼ inch planting depth. Do not graze until plants are well established. For best results apply fertilizer according to a soil test. This mix requires a minimum of 16 inches of total precipitation.
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