This species is available for purchase in 1 pound and 5 pound bag options.
Example: If under "Weight" you select the 1 lbs option and then under "Quantity" you select 3, you will receive 3 pounds of seed.
Common Name: Reed Canarygrass
Scientific Name: Phalaris arundinacea
Native / Introduced: Native
Main Uses:
~Pasture, hay and rangeland
~Erosion control
~Wetland rehabilitation
Height: 5 - 8 ft
Root Type: Sod
Growing Season: Cool
Soil Types: Most soils, prefers loamy to clay textures
~Small amounts of salt, alkali, and acidic
Sun or Shade: Full sun
Minimum Precipitation: 16 - 18 inches
Lifecycle: Perennial
Planting Seed Rate: 5 - 7 lbs/acre
Estimated Seeds Per Pound: 538,000
Optimal Planting Season: Fall or spring
Planting Depth: 1/4 - 1/2 inch
Category: Grass
Reed Canarygrass is a robust, rhizomatous, and sod-forming grass known for its tall stature. This adaptable grass species is capable of thriving on a range of soil textures, with its optimal growth observed on loamy to clayey soils. One of its notable characteristics is its exceptional tolerance to flooding, making it well-suited for poorly drained wetlands as well as irrigated uplands. Additionally, Reed Canarygrass displays fair resilience to salt, alkali, and acidic conditions in soils, contributing to its versatility across various environmental settings.
This hardy grass species is recognized for its prolific forage production, making it a valuable resource in agriculture. Reed Canarygrass finds applications in pasture management, hay and silage production, as well as soil erosion control along ponds and waterways. Its utility extends to providing food and cover for wildlife. Furthermore, Reed Canarygrass proves beneficial in environmental engineering projects, particularly in seeding filter fields designed to collect wastewater from diverse sources such as food processing industries, livestock operations, and sewage treatment plants.
NRCS Profile:
NRCS Plant Guide:
NRCS Plant Fact Sheet:
Photo Credit: Matt Lavin
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