How To Order: Quantity options listed represent bulk weights. Examples: 1 = 1 lbs, 25 = 25 bs.
Common Name: Whitestem Rubber Rabbitbrush
Scientific Name: Ericameria nauseosa
Native / Introduced: Native
Main Uses:
~Wildlife habitat improvement
~Soil stabilization
~Revegitation of disturbed sitesHeight: 2-6 feet
Colors: Green and yellow flowers
Flowering Season: Late July
Soil Types: All Textures
Tolerances: Fair acid, salt and alkali
Sun or Shade: Full Sunlight
Minimum Precipitation: 6-12 inches
Lifecycle: Perennial
Planting Seed Rate: 0.2 lbs/acre
Estimated Seeds Per Pound: 450,000-750,000
Optimal Planting Season: Fall/Spring
Planting Depth: Rough surfact to 1/8 inch
Rubber Rabbitbrush, also known as Chamisa, is a deciduous shrub that can be found throughout much of the western United States. There are several sub-species each with unique characteristics, this plant is adaptable to all soil textures and a wide range of elevations. This shrub is adapted to all soil textures and can be found at elevations ranging from 2,000 to 9,000 feet. It is generally fair in terms of its tolerance to acidity, salt, and alkali, and it is also cold-tolerant. Rubber Rabbitbrush is a vigorous plant that can be an aggressive spreader, and it is typically fire-tolerant.
The palatability of Rubber Rabbitbrush can vary depending on the sub-species, season, and animal type. Despite this variability, the shrub is commonly used in wildlife habitat improvement projects due to its ability to provide food and cover for a variety of wildlife species. Additionally, Rubber Rabbitbrush is valuable for soil stabilization and the revegetation of disturbed sites due to its vigorous, aggressive spreading and deep-rooted characteristics. This plant is particularly well-suited to establishing on severely harsh sites, making it a popular choice for land managers looking to restore damaged or degraded areas.
NRCS Plant Profile:
NRCS Plant Guide:
NRCS Fact Sheet:
Photo Credit: Matt Lavin, Robb Hannawacker and Tom Koerner
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