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How To Order: Quantity options listed represent bulk weights. Examples: 1 = 1 lbs, 25 = 25 bs. 


Common Name: Wyoming Big Sagebrush

Scientific Name: Artemisia tridentata wyomingensis

Native / Introduced: Native

Main Uses:

~Wildlife Habitat Improvement
~Wildfire Restoration

Height: 1 - 3 feet

Colors: Silver sage green

Flowering Season: Fall

Soil Types: Well-drained, shallow, coarse to fine textures

Elevation: 2,500 to 7,500 feet

Tolerances: Low soil fertility and some saline

Sun or Shade: Full sun, parital shade

Minimum Precipitation: 7-10 inches

Lifecycle: Perennial

Planting Seed Rate: .5 lbs/ac

Estimated Seeds Per Pound: 1,750,000

Optimal Planting Season: Late fall and winter

Planting Depth: Rough surface or snow to 1/4 in.

Stratification Required: Store in freezer and plant in late fall or early winter to ensure natural stratification



Wyoming Big Sagebrush is a long-lived evergreen shrub that is distributed throughout much of the western United States. It is the most drought-tolerant subspecies, able to grow on sites with precipitation ranging from 7 to 20 inches. Wyoming Big Sagebrush is adapted to well-drained, shallow, coarse to fine textured soils on lower slopes, benchlands, and foothills, typically at elevations ranging from 2,500 to 7,500 feet. It can tolerate low soil fertility and weak saline soils.

Although Wyoming Big Sagebrush is not used as cattle forage, it provides good forage for sheep, deer, and antelope. It is an extremely important food and cover species for sage grouse, with nearly 100 bird species depending on the sagebrush ecosystem, as well as reptiles and small mammals like pygmy rabbits. Wyoming Big Sagebrush provides not only forage but also thermal and security cover, making it a valuable species for quality habitat. It is an extremely important shrub for range and wildlife habitat improvement, including wildfire restoration. It is also a valuable species for restoration efforts related to mining and other activities that disturb soil. Overall, Wyoming Big Sagebrush is a versatile and important species that provides numerous benefits to both wildlife and range ecosystems.



NRCS Plant Profile:

NRCS Plant Guide:


Photo Credit: Matt Lavin

Wyoming Big Sagebrush


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